The Hummingbird Guide to Integrations

Unlock productivity and drive ROI with integrations

How much time is your team losing each day to data collection and context switching?

According to a recent survey, it’s probably more than you think - 83% of financial compliance teams rely on at least three separate, non-integrated systems to handle compliance investigations. To make matters worse, compliance leaders have observed that more than half of their teams' time is consumed by the collection and compilation of data when they are not actively engaged in ongoing investigations.

Needless to say, the compliance industry has long struggled where productivity is concerned. Well, until now.

The Hummingbird Guide to Integrations is written for compliance leaders looking to understand the options they have for improving efficiency by intelligently weaving tools and systems together.

Download the guide

A step-by-step guide to...


Understanding integrations

We’ll tell you everything you need to know, as well as why you should care.


Navigating your options

There’s more than one way to integrate your tools. We’ll give you a detour for every roadblock.


Building your next integration

Our guide contains a practical playbook with everything you need to get started.


Build your dream workflow with Hummingbird Apps

Drive efficiency across your compliance program with custom workflows supported by our menu of Hummingbird Apps. Add new capabilities, enter new markets, and seamlessly integrate with top 3rd-party providers – all while benefiting from Hummingbird’s purpose-built investigations platform. 

Visit Hummingbird Apps for more information.

  • thomson-reuters-clear

    Surface essential but hard-to-find information about a subject with Thomson Reuters CLEAR

  • powerbi_icon

    Seamlessly connect compliance and risk data with the Microsoft Power BI app

  • rfi

    Create & manage third-party requests directly from Hummingbird with the Request for Information app

  • us-filing

    Automate report preparation, validation, and submission using the U.S. Filling app, with direct integration with FinCEN

Top financial institutions run on Hummingbird

Coastal Financial

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We’re bringing organization, efficiency, and sophistication to compliance.

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